Who exactly is 'Marvin
The Traveling Magician'?
My name is Marvin De Buyst and i really wish I can see the world while performing in many different countries, maybe even all 195 of em!
And now you're probably wondering 'how is he gonna do that'?
If only you could read my mind huh ;)
Well, YOU can help me.
Do you have any ways for me to reach other countries or any contacts abroad? I'd love to have a chat with you. I'm fluent in Dutch, English and French.
Click the button below if you can help me with my mission.
And since you're still here, it means you weren't satisfied with the short answer on discovering who I am, so you'll find a slightly longer answer below. Here goes...

The longer answer
My curiosity towards magic started when I was about 12 years old. I went on a circus camp during summer and each summer again. I loved juggling, diabolo and fire acts.
One day of camp, the focus was on performances and magic. Seeing the astonishment and smiles on people's faces, made me realise that I wanted to be a magician or instructor. So I became both.

Before I knew, I started doing magic as a close-up magician on all sorts of events together with Ward Seynaeve, my mentor. That's apparently also the moment I lost the capacity of growing hair... Now you know why I wear a hat in most of my recent pictures.

"Oh my gosh! How did you know what card I was thinking of?"
- Lisa S. -
Student Kick-off event
"That card drawing came alive! I still can't believe what i saw..."
- Jolien V. -
Student Kick-off event

After finishing my bachelor in medicine, I decided to take another path and follow my dreams. Seeing the world (nature and culture) while guiding the next generation towards their future and help them develop in the person they want to be. I've always been fascinated by the youth and nothing should stand in between a person and their dream.
So now I am The Traveling Magician during summer, a Teacher during the year.
As a teacher, I teach Biology, French and Latin, mixing in some magical elements in my classes.

My life as a student
I studied Latin and mathematics when I went to high school in Ninove. Once eighteen, I went to medicine school at Gent university, which I studied for four years and got my Bachelor degree. After that I started studying to become a teacher.
During my years at the university I founded a student association called Ylusiona. We organised events for other students and people interested in magic. Monthly workshops, performances and fun evenings, helped me gain even more experience in interacting with people and in the field of magic.
I've spent 13 years honing my skills as a close-up magician and mind reader, interacting with a huge variety of people and I never stop practising. Practice defines the magician!
Furthermore I write my own stories in the magnificent world of Dungeons & Dragons and I plan to perform on Belgium's Got Talent.
And last but not least, I like to play badminton, hang drum and board games.
If you want to know even more about me, don't hesitate dropping me a message on one of my socials ;)